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A camp that will move you!

479 7 days
  • Comprehensive player development
  • Teambuilding and new friendships
  • Balancing training and relaxation
  • Púchov Winter Stadium
  • Experiences that will last a lifetime
29.6 až 5.7 25

A camp that will move you!

479 7 days
  • Comprehensive player development
  • Teambuilding and new friendships
  • Balancing training and relaxation
  • Púchov Winter Stadium
  • Experiences that will last a lifetime
6.7 až 12.7 25

A camp that will move you!

479 7 days
  • Comprehensive player development
  • Teambuilding and new friendships
  • Balancing training and relaxation
  • Púchov Winter Stadium
  • Experiences that will last a lifetime
6.7 až 12.7 25

A camp that will move you!

479 7 days
  • Comprehensive player development
  • Teambuilding and new friendships
  • Balancing training and relaxation
  • Púchov Winter Stadium
  • Experiences that will last a lifetime
29.6 až 5.7 25

Rekreačný poukaz je možné si uplatniť iba ak sa splnia nasledovné podmienky:

✅ Rekreačný poukaz je možné si uplatniť do výšky 550 €, z toho zamestnávateľ zaplatí 275 € a zamestnanec 275 €.

✅ Rekreačný poukaz je možné si uplatniť, ak osoba, ktorá oň žiada, pracuje vo firme s 50 a viac zamestnancami.

✅ Rekreačný poukaz je možné si uplatniť, ak je dieťa ubytované a stravuje sa na kempe alebo inej akcii.

V prípade vášho záujmu je možné objednať si kemp aj bez ubytovania, s možnosťou každodenného dochádzania. Cena v tomto prípade je 329 €. Ubytovanie nie je zahrnuté v cene, obed áno.

Náš kemp zahŕňa

•Komplexné zdokonaľovanie korčuľovania

•Streľba viacerými spôsobmi

•Prihrávanie a spracovanie prihrávky

•Hra 1 na 1

•Práca v menších skupinách

•Prevencia náročných zranení na ľade aj na suchu

•Komunikácia na ľade

•Zdokonaľovanie skills

Cena kempu zahŕňa

•6× stravovanie s plnou penziou

•Pitný režim 24/7

•2× denne tréning na ľade – streľba

•2× tréning na suchu

•Tréning brankárov

•Celodenný dohľad nad deťmi


•Hokejová osobnosť

•Meeting so skautom NHL

More about us

See you on the ice!


Ramón Kerata

I keep telling them that every camp is very important in the summer season. In Slovakia, there are fewer opportunities to train on ice in the summer, so these camps are a big plus.

It is important that children grow in their development every year, they improve. Even in that one week, it is possible to show them our path - how they could progress. We would really like them to transfer what they learn into their hockey life.

The most important thing is that each child finds their own path, knows what they want to do, and puts their all into it – as they say, to be Power Players.


Domen Ramšak

Why I Believe in PowerPlayers

PowerPlayers is more than a camp—it’s a commitment to shaping young players into the best versions of themselves, on and off the ice. I’m proud to be part of a program that combines professional training with a focus on personal growth, ensuring that every kid leaves not just as a better hockey player, but as a stronger, more confident individual.

See you on the ice!

More about us

See you on the ice!


Ramón Kerata

I keep telling them that every camp is very important in the summer season. In Slovakia, there are fewer opportunities to train on ice in the summer, so these camps are a big plus.

It is important that children grow in their development every year, they improve. Even in that one week, it is possible to show them our path - how they could progress. We would really like them to transfer what they learn into their hockey life.

The most important thing is that each child finds their own path, knows what they want to do, and puts their all into it – as they say, to be Power Players.


Domen Ramšak

Why I Believe in PowerPlayers

PowerPlayers is more than a camp—it’s a commitment to shaping young players into the best versions of themselves, on and off the ice. I’m proud to be part of a program that combines professional training with a focus on personal growth, ensuring that every kid leaves not just as a better hockey player, but as a stronger, more confident individual.

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